
Der Firmengründer
Fritz Kaulbars
Fritz Lothar Kaulbars (links) gründete 1935 das Unternehmen. Mit viel Herzblut, Eifer und einem guten Gespür erfand er viele Dinge, die schon damals die Gesundheit förderten. Unter andrem kam unser Everstaler Rez. Nr. 23 Kräutertee auf den Markt.

EHEFRAU von Fritz Kaulbars und 40 Jahre Inhaberin
Waltraud Kaulbars
Nach dem Tod von Fritz Lothar Kaulbars im Jahre 1981 wurde das Unternehmen von seiner Ehefrau Waltraud Kaulbars (rechts) weitergeführt.
„Seit 1935 produzieren wir einen hochwertigen Kräutertee, der einen positiven Beitrag zu einem gesunden Lebensstil beiträgt. Ich selbst bin nun 93 Jahre und trinke den Tee regelmäßig seit einer sehr langen Zeit.“

Ein Familienunternehmen mit Tradition …
Die neue Genration
Der Fortbestand des Tees und seine Geschichte soll gewahrt werden. Zu diesem Zweck übergab Waltraud Kaulbars im Jahre 2021 das Unternehmen in die Hände ihres Enkels Sebastian Paschun und seiner Familie.

A once large assortment
"Indian kidney tea" is just one representative of the many varieties that have been offered over the years. Fritz Kaulbars eK started in 1935 with a wide variety of teas. Slimming tea with black pack and red lettering, liver and gall tea, bronchial tea (here was a bottle with an expectorant), kidney and bladder tea.
Indian kidney tea was added in the 1950s. Other varieties have been discontinued. Nerve and sleep tea as well as fruit tea could also be obtained.
However, various events meant that in the 1980s only our popular Rez. No. 23 Everstaler herbal tea was offered.

Primadent - Against pain when teething
The product available from 1950-1960 was called Primadent, children's happiness. As the packaging promises, it takes away the pain of so-called "teething". This is the moment when the first teeth come through in toddlers. This made it more bearable.

Packaging for the UK market
Our Rez. No. 23 herbal tea was also on the market in England for a number of years.

Back of UK market packaging
The packaging for the British market had a beautiful drawing of Heidelberg Castle on the back.

A special kind of packaging
This packaging was up-to-date for a few years. We think this is one of the most beautiful.

This is what marketing used to look like
This is a 1960's billboard. Fritz Kaulbars eK carried out advertising campaigns by post very early on. Today this would be called mailings. Marketing has been an issue from the start. There were matrices, an address file, a duplicating machine, a so-called Postalia for franking letters, ...